Is it Right Time To Develop University in Metaverse — Eduverse and Metaversity


The Metaverse is a virtual world with many possibilities defined by high-tech futuristic technologies. During the pandemic era, the education industry suffered a massive setback. The schools and universities got closed, and a reformation in the form of online education started happening. In this span of time, the Metaverse also grew at a large scale, providing opportunities for various industries to flourish again. The revenue of the Education Services Industry In the U.S. in 2021 is $1.2tr and is expected to surpass $1.5tr by 2028.

Build a Digital Twin of Any University in Web3

In this post, we shall cover more important points about the scope of the education industry in the Metaverse. If you want to know how to start your own university in Metaverse or Digital Twin of Your Own University, visit this page.

Meeting in the Metaversity: Why is a Metaversity needed?

The Metaversity is a university in the Metaverse with a scope for completely transforming the educational sector. The sudden global pandemic crisis was the start of the transformation of the education sector, with universities switching to online classes for a rather quick timescale. With the universities suddenly stopping, many students with unfavorable remote locations could not cope with it without a proper timeframe given to them to adjust. With a more permanent adoption of a long-term online mode of education, students can get easily accustomed to online classes, especially when fused in 3D. The Metaverse became famous soon after Facebook changed its name to Meta, totally envisioning the mass adoption of the Metaverse.

The human brain can retain just 5% of the knowledge it can perceive, but when in an immersive virtual space, the retention capacity will jump to 75%. Thus, this will be the ideal solution to solve the problems of just sitting at a desk and reading to remember for several examinations.

The world needs more than aced grades to find livelihoods. A University in the Metaverse will redefine education. It will give a new meaning to education where people will enter to learn through a mixed reality powered by high-tech virtual tools. Not just the torso avatars, the Metaverse is set to bring major upgrades soon in the years to come.

Outlining The Benefits Of Building Your University In The Metaverse

Access To Education From Remote Locations

Access to education from remote locations is highly difficult in the present education industry. With the onset of Metaverse-enabled technologies, the universities can impart education remotely to students who are far away from the campus but want to be physically present there. The plus point about the education the Metaverse gives is that it helps the student be a part of the particular topic he is getting taught and not just simply read or see it. The student’s participation in the session will improve his overall performance drastically.

Gaining First-Hand Knowledge

The Metaverse will be the source of learning from those who will create the Metaverse through relatable references while designing the virtual spaces and lessons. The first-hand knowledge will be defined well by stepping out from the diagrammatic analysis through textbooks to actual experiments like dissections virtually.

Educational Resources At An Affordable Price

The Metaversity won’t exhort money from un financially stable students. The VR headset can be provided either free or at an affordable price to the students of the Metaversity. Also, the students will be equipped with virtual libraries with thousands of e-books available for them to their study.

Virtual Interactions With Better Student Performance

The interactions between the students and the teachers will be virtual, which will somehow increase the confidence of students who are not very social in physical classrooms. After learning via an immersive experience, the students can perform better.

Attracts A Younger Demography

When combined with education, the Metaverse’s fantasy world can create wonders, so when VR lands in the hands of a child, the reformation era starts. Being already accustomed to the VR, the future demography will transform the scope and meaning of education.

Interesting Features to be included in a Metaversity

Learn To earn Model

The Metaverse’s learn-to-earn model is a custom-made feature for students that struggle to sustain themselves for their education. With more opportunities for students to earn while they learn, the students will actually put in the effort. The learn-to-earn model is simply like the play-to-earn model that has created billions of dollars through crypto. The learn-to-earn model is also backboned on the very model.

VR-Enabled Virtual Classrooms, Labs, And Conference Halls

The virtual classroom will have custom-made classrooms, chat rooms, and conference halls for the students to have a spatial environment for better education.

Student Wallet Optimizations

The students will also be provided with a wallet to buy some premium products in the Metaversity. They can range from a super rare e-book to avatar customization on special occasions.

Student Tracking And Safety Bar

One notable feature is the safety bar for students, with a block option for people who try to create unfavorable situations for your users. Those users will be permanently blocked by your users’ accounts immediately when you report or block them.

The navigation tools are really important for the smooth movement of the avatar around the virtual university. With options like sprinting and running, the avatar can take the lectures more effectively and timely.

Holographic Lectures

A new and interesting technology still in an early stage in the education sector is the holographic lecture which can enable professors around the globe to take lectures at a particular university in the form of a holograph. This is exactly similar to having someone right in front of the students and delivering a lecture.

VR-Enabled Refreshment Centers

The refreshment centers are also an important location for the students to interact with each other in a socially friendly environment finally, just like the ones in the real university’s cafeteria.

Blockchain-Enabled Assessment And Identity Management

Blockchain technology is the future of education right away. With high-tech blockchain-powered identity systems, identifying students through biometrics is a hassle-free task, thus eliminating the room for fraud and cheaters.

Adapting Challenges To a New Environment

Building and launching a Metaversity requires drastic changes in a school’s approach to teaching and learning. For instance, Metaverse students aren’t just recipients of content but active participants in virtual reality games and other activities.

The combination of advanced technologies such as immersive game-based learning and virtual reality with artificial intelligence, can create personalized learning experiences that are not in real-time but still experienced through the Metaverse. Automatic systems that tailor the content and pace of learning to the ability and interest of the student can make learning in the Metaverse less structured, with fewer set rules.

Those differences require significant modifications in assessment and monitoring processes, such as quizzes and tests. Traditional measures such as multiple choice questions are inappropriate for assessing individualized and unstructured learning experiences offered by the Metaverse.

Applications of Metaverse in the Education Sector

Immersive Learning

The Metaverse is the immersive mode of an effective learning experience for students where they can fully immerse and engulf themselves in a 3D-powered environment right away.

Virtual Socialization and Activities

The activities conducted in the Metaverse are a great source of motivation for the student and can raise their morale well.

Simulating Real-life Situations For Conducting Experiments

The Metaverse will serve the possibility to outline several real-life situations like a medical procedure, flying an aircraft, and many more. With the Metaverse, the recreation of such events can give an immersive experience to the student or trainee pilot.

Affordable Virtual Tours

The tours and trips at a university are highly costly and take hundreds of dollars per the duration of the stay and travel time. With a VR headset, the student can travel back and forth in the virtual world and take virtual tours.

Advanced Learner Assessments

Assessing the learner’s score in the examination will become faster and easier in the blockchain-powered mechanism of your university’s virtual world. Blockchain Identity Management system helps assess results faster and more safely and will defend user data at all costs.

Generate Revenue To Fuel Eduverse Through


During an event at the university, the event team can team up with a couple of sponsors and organize events like concerts and charity shows. Sponsors can cover the event and help you gain popularity to take your virtual university to new heights.

Even billboards can be set up at different locations in the virtual university, which can easily be a source of revenue generation for the virtual university.

Tie-ups With Other Educational Institutions Like Museums and Galleries.

The Metaverse can help take students on excursions to various virtual locations with the Virtual Reality headset and explore renowned museums virtually.

Reaching the Bottom Line

To conclude, the Metaverse is probably a cheaper alternative in many settings. The travel costs for overseas students, including their other campus expenses, are much compared to a one-time VR headset purchase. Metaverse Development license can charge universities atleast $20,000, and the development costs are added with a couple of additional expenses. The Metaverse is a land of opportunities, and the development cost is also very high. Still, it benefits the students as they have to pay comparatively less than a real university. To demonstrate this even further, at Fisk University, a virtual cadaver lab has been set up at Cadaver Lab, making scientific learning affordable. This will certainly will definitely surge enrollments in digital twin of universities with a lot more scalable options that develop a better student-teacher relationship omitting barriers.

Thus the Metaverse is not just a mere virtual world, gamified and customized to engage the audience immersively but much more beyond that. Though it provides breathtaking experiences, it also serves as a mode to increase revenues and market products like never before!

Thomas has developed All Web Outreach platform where you share about new technology ideas specially for app, AI, software and Blockchain development.


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