Web3, Blockchain and Crypto: How Are They Interlinked?


Staying with the latest trends, namely Web3, Crypto, and Blockchain, is one of the most significant facets of successful investing. Now, every individual is gradually moving toward the next phase of the internet, Web3. Web3 holds the promise to allow individuals to own things in digital form and transact them via online mode. Besides, Blockchain, as well as crypto ecosystems, are also working for Web3 to assist individuals in having more control of their personal data and for Web3 marketplace development.

Web3, the decentralized web, is made possible because of the plethora of modern technologies which replace older versions of the centralized internet, namely- Web2. These new technologies include- Blockchains, Cryptocurrency, Nodes, and Crypto Wallets. The most interesting thing is that many of the organizations state that Blockchain, Crypto, and Web3 can not be separated.

After exploring the article, you’ll come to know about the explanation of the terms Blockchain, Crypto, and Web3 and the relationship between them:-

Blockchain: Why Does It Matter A Lot?

The nature of Blockchain is decentralized and permissionless. It makes Web3 more community-oriented through DAO. This technology is here to stay and is already disrupting countless industries. It brought changes initially in finance, credit, lending, and payments.

Cryptocurrency: An Intrinsic Part Of Web3

Cryptocurrency is a way of bringing native digital payments to Web3. It functions as tokens and also plays countless roles in digital economic systems. This ecosystem has a wide range of working products for web3 that holds the promise to allow individuals-

  • To own things digitally
  • Make transactions easily
  • Have more control of the personal data
  • Making P2P-peer-to-peer payments
  • Collect digital items with crypto wallets

Web3: The New Age Of the Internet

Web3 is a new version of the internet that acts as the best remedy to all the shortcomings of Web2, including-

  • The concentration of authority at the hands of various social media platforms
  • The exploitation of the personal data of the users

Web3 is not only the major evolutionary step of the internet but also qualitatively a specific phase of the Web. It enables the users to transform their online data or upload their own pieces of content to the websites. Besides, it is inherently decentralized and allows everyone- to record data on-chain, tokenize assets, and establish digital identities.

The prime vision of Web3 is a move towards a better form of the internet. The central premise of Web3 is to make every online platform decentralized, credible, and permissionless. Besides, it can also bring about digital-native payments, digital ownership, and censorship resistance in the form of brand-new Web products and services.

Web2 emerged as a more interactive internet:-

Web2 is known as a centralized tech giant that involves users in generating their own content. In this age of the internet, all social media platforms facilitate several modes of online interactions. But after the transformation of the Web2 ecosystem into Web3, internet users have started taking much concern related to data tracking, ownership of data, and censorship issues as well. Now, Web2 has been converted into Web3 to assist users in staying on their websites and creating targeted ads for the advantage of third parties.

Blockchain & Crypto: How Do They Fit Into The Web3?

1.) Eliminate Users’ Worries Regarding Their Important Track Records:-

Every individual knows very well that the concentration of authority and the ability of major players to hold the most significant information in their hands are one of the central & major problems of Web2. But, one must be grateful to Blockchain & crypto that can decentralize Web3 and facilitate the users in distributing power and information as well. Furthermore, Web3 can manipulate blockchain-powered publicly allocated ledgers and offer a high level of decentralization & transparency.

2.) Permissionlessness Nature Of Blockchain Based Applications:-

All the applications the developers build on blockchain technology are of permissionless nature. Such apps have the ability to replace the healing systems of conventional organizations with fully-open available code. Applications built on the Blockchain allow every individual worldwide not only to access but also to intercommunicate with them without any kind of restriction.

3.) No Requirement To Faith Any Outsider:-

The user who is going to utilize the third generation of the internet-Web3, that individual need not trust any third party. Because both crypto and Blockchain reduce or even completely eliminates the need of doing blind trust in any financial institution, such as a bank or any individual intermediary. This way, without thinking too much or putting their own trust in any particular entity, all the users can make transactions with the network itself.

4.) Cryptocurrencies: Payment Rails Of Web3:-

In the world of Web3, cryptocurrencies act or also serve as the digitally native payment infrastructure of it. Cryptocurrencies are well-prominent as digital assets, which can enable you to make better the costly and unmanageable payment infrastructure of Web2. Moreover, cryptocurrencies behave in this manner because they are truly borderless and don’t need any intermediary.

5.) Crypto: Allows To Examine Ownership Of The Funds:-

Crypto provides all users with tools, namely-”self-custodial crypto wallets.”These wallets allow users to accumulate all of their funds without the need for any middleman. It offers several rights to the users so that they can interlink their wallets to decentralized applications, utilize their funds in innumerable ways, and showcase their digital assets. Furthermore, crypto also makes it possible for all users of the new generation of the internet to verify ownership of funds and items with the help of a transparent public ledger.

6.) Blockchains: Struggle Against Restrictions:-

In the present era, developers of blockchain technology are applying their every strategy to design the Blockchain as censorship resistance technology. It means they want even a single party to not be able to alter the record of transactions in a unilateral way. This way, once they add the record of transactions to the Blockchain, it becomes impossible for the users to remove it. Moreover, this characteristic of blockchain technology can assist individuals in preserving every manner of speech from the censorship of government & corporations.

Blockchain & Crypto: Are Both Essential For Web3?

Web3 relies on Blockchain & crypto and also may bank on non-related technologies to cryptocurrency and Blockchain. These technologies include AR- augmented reality, VR-virtual reality, IoT-Internet of things, and the metaverse that may become an integral part of this new era of the internet. But, it is true that the Blockchain and crypto can operate more on the infrastructure side of Web3. Moreover, both of these technologies and solutions can help make the internet more captivating and united with the real world.

Blockchain can connect several devices, embed digital visual elements into the real world, establish a computer-generated atmosphere, and represent digital assets through the internet. Additionally, by bringing both Blockchain and crypto together, it may become easy to make a unified metaverse the reality of Web3.

Cryptocurrency is a utility token that provides digital-native payment rails for unlocking a universe of use cases that are necessary for Web3. It can also help in doing verification of the identity & ownership so that the users need not compromise in controlling their personal data.

Web3:What Will It Look Like With Crypto & Blockchain?

Blockchain technology and crypto may become one of the foundations of web3 if the users notice it. If the applications of blockchains and crypto are user-friendly and intuitive, individuals may start considering the data servers and internet protocols foundation of the social media platforms.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency serve various functional purposes to enable the users of the internet so they can display digital collectible items to other users. This way, both the Blockchain & crypto help individuals in creating and maintaining their specific digital identities.

No other technology is as helpful as Blockchain and cryptocurrency that enables the users of Web3 to enforce and coordinate collective actions. Furthermore, both crypto and Blockchain can drive Web3 to be more transparent, decentralized, and community-centered.

Bluntly stated,

Web3 is still an aspirational vision, not a tangible reality. But, it’s expected that it may solve the biggest issues concerning the internet of the present era and also minimize the authority of the tech giants. Blockchain and crypto are among the developing technologies that may underpin Web3 and yield the most promising solutions after interconnecting with one another.

Thomas has developed All Web Outreach platform where you share about new technology ideas specially for app, AI, software and Blockchain development.


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